journal 8

If I could live anywhere in the word, I would probably want to live in Greece for multiple reasons.

Firstly, it is beautiful. I really like the beauty of Greece; the houses are beautiful, and the water is a pretty color. Secondly, I expect the food to be good, I don’t know much about it, but I did a project in 9th grade for geography class and all the food I found looked really appetizing. I also really like tzatziki and I would love to be able to have authentic tzatziki. Thirdly I’m interested in Greek mythology, I had a super long Percy Jackson phase, which got me interested in Greek mythology. I’d love to be able to go se all the temples and the acropolis. Fourthly, the winters are milder than in Canada, I’m not a fan of snow. Lastly, the aesthetic and vibes are exquisite, the roads look quiet and beautiful, and the islands are so aesthetically pleasing.
